Sunday, July 02, 2006


Visibility was no more than a few metres as a '79 Pontiac Firebird roared along the deserted road at speeds deemed unsafe at any time. Rain beat down upon the old and worn car, which still drove strong. Without any warning, the vehicle took a sharp turn left onto the barren wasteland to the side of the road and came to an abrupt halt. Seconds later the driver side door opened and out stepped a bearded man in a long trench coat, the upper half of his face shrouded from by moonlight by his hat.
       Through the mist he carefully made out the silhouette of a slim girl. She was standing there in the rain dressed in a tight leather jacket and trousers. Beside her stood an idling motorbike. The mysterious man slowly approached the woman.

"Are you sure you're up to this?", the woman asked.
"Yeah, I am, Jessie", came his reply to which Jessie hesitated before responding.
"Good, we better get moving. Follow me".

Jessie mounter her motorbike and looked back as the shady man moved through the headlamps of his car, which illuminated the mist and rain in an otherwise dead night. The engine of the Pontiac roared as the driver made a quick start to keep up with the already fading taillight of the motorbike.


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